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Accreditation / Certification / Approval

Accreditation/Certification/Approval is a process by which a facility’s services and operations are examined by a third-party accrediting agency to determine if applicable standards are met. Should the facility meet the accrediting agency’s standards, the facility receives accredited status from the accrediting agency.

Macedonia International University does not admit students for Federal Financial Aid, which requires accreditation from a regional accrediting agency to an agency recognized by the Federal Department of Education. The following list of Certification agencies affirms Macedonia International University choice to maintain its religious freedoms and the integrity of its Judeo-Christian heritage in the offering of this program on the study of the Holy Bible.

We are an organization accredited by IAO. Dr. James Gordon is the Director of the joint Commission on Chaplain Accreditation and Education in the New York Region. Macedonia International University is also associated with the American Association of Christian Therapists and the Joint Commission on Chaplain Accreditation and Education (JCCAE).

Macedonia Theological Seminary, INC. Accreditation

The IAO has awarded Macedonia International University, INC. accreditation status after in-depth evaluation of the educational institution through our unique patented accreditation process. Macedonia International University, INC. has been evaluated on the IAO standards of the global best practices in Organizational Management, Academic Management and Institutional Performance. To learn more about our comprehensive accreditation process, read about below or view demo of our Accreditation Process Workshop.

About Accreditation

In the United States, accreditation is used to assure quality in schools, educational institutions, and programs. It should be noted that accreditation is a voluntary, non-governmental process of review and evaluation. The accreditation process requires an educational institution or program to meet certain standards or criteria set forth by the accrediting body. These standards change from State to State and from region to region.

These standards also change with time. In fact, thankfully and partly because of our country’s heritage and Constitution (re: “freedom of choice”) there are no two Universities that have the same structure, philosophies, teaching modalities, or evaluation criteria. This can act to allow or permit a certain degree of freedom. Our programs are not designed to meet any specific local, state, territorial, regional, or national licensing or credentialing laws. Furthermore, being non-traditional in nature our programs are not designed to meet a particular requirement established by any private association or “traditional” licensing or other accrediting organization.

Without a doubt, many of our students/graduates are among the highest caliber, most intelligent, talented, best educated and most influential individuals you will find anywhere. They and their MTS degrees are equal to their counterparts from traditional schools anywhere in the world.